Virtual Open House Recap
On Monday, August 10, 2020, Covington hosted an Virtual Open House for our Distance and Online Students during our Open House Event at our Home Office in Fort Oglethorpe, GA. This was our first Virtual Open House and we look forward to connecting with you through many more events like this in the future. Stay connected for more information!
Below is a summary of the video, along with links to any information available and other helpful resources.
Welcome: Ashleigh & Tracy Trivette
Introduction of Guests
Introduction of Staff
News & Upcoming:
Extension Information: 11 Extensions offering 15 classes this semester
Relaunch and Redesign of
Relaunch and Redesign of Covington’s Student Portal and Online Learning
Commitment to building and adding new online courses this semester
Commitment to scheduling regular Zoom Connections with Distance and Online Students
Refocus and Commitment to the CTS Student Body for a greater and more effective connection and growth.
Q&A: CTS President Bret Sullivan & CTS Registrar and Dean of Students Craig Thomas
Q: Is it possible for CTS to offer digital textbooks to students?
A: There are some textbooks that are available in digital format that we could provide. Availability depends on our suppliers and the textbook. Contact us to ask about a particular textbook to see if it is available in digital form through our suppliers.
There are other options available through digital readers and reader apps such as Amazon Kindle and the Kindle App. For more information contact our home offices and ask for information regarding this media.
Q: Student has used other writing formats in the past but has questions regarding the MLA format that is required for many courses. Where can a student find help regarding MLA and other acceptable formats?
A: has several writing helps available on our Writing Helps page (located at the bottom of our site under the “Students” section). There you can find many articles, instructions, and other resources to help with MLA and other formatting questions. If you need more help contact anyone at our Home Office.
CTS also allows students to use Turabian and APA formatting.
CTS is able to connect to your computer and walk you through setting up documents and other formatting. Contact us for more information.
We will be posting instructional videos for formatting Word Documents and other helpful resources near the end of August.
Q: Student is required to do a Ministry Project in order to complete her current course. Due to the limitations and restrictions of contact with the current pandemic, how can a student complete a Ministry Project without being able to physically carry out ministry projects?
A: Maintain the theme and topic of your accepted and submitted Ministry Project. Proceed with the work of your Ministry Project without physically meeting. Document the particulars and practice of doing the work of that ministry. In light of these changes:
Compile your information and writings as if your are writing a manual for churches.
Think of this project now as a manual that churches could use to do the particular ministry.
Example: Think of a manual you would buy at a bookstore for how to defend the faith.
Example Cont: Have an index, topics, etc. that churches could follow to learn the process.
For more information Contact Craig Thomas at our Home Office.
Q: Student(s) find the courses very in depth and lengthy. Many courses have large numbers of required questions and all require a research paper along with the questions. Is it necessary for every class to have a research paper when a course in particular may have a large number of questions?
A: CTS understands that the material is often very lengthy and in depth. But the research paper that is required in addition to the reading of material and questions is an essential part of our the educational process.
It ensures that students have not only learned the material but most importantly are able to articulate and defend what it is they understand and believe. This is an important Biblical principle.
It helps to equip and train the students as they grow as communicators, writers, students, and leaders.
It ensures that every student who enrolls with Covington Theological Seminary is confident in the work they have accomplished. We believe that it is important for our students to feel like, and know, that they have earned their degrees.
Q: Student had researched CTS online and found an article accusing Covington of being a “Certificate Mill”, also known as a “Diploma Mill”, and wanted our President to speak to this article.
A: This article has been around for several years and for many, this is the view and reputation of Covington Theological Seminary. In regards to the article:
It speaks to a period of time when CTS was not an accredited institution.
During this time, students were allowed to attend and receive credit hours for what was then known as “Life Experience/Ministry Experience”. Students would receive credits based on their years of service, write a course paper, pay the course fees and receive a diploma.
Based on this information from many years ago, this article was written.
Over the last several years, several Presidents and Board of Directors, after a deep conviction over what CTS was established and called to do, a major and complete restructuring has taken place.
Covington Ceased all Life/Experience Credits
Covington Received Accreditation Status
Covington Restructured its Values and Mission
Covington Committed itself to raising the bar and the standards for the sake of the Kingdom and the glory of God
A degree from CTS is now accepted and can be respected in the academic community.
While there was validity to the original accusations made in the article at one time, the previous question asked by a student is an example of how we have raised the bar to ensure that CTS, its reputation, the value of education for our students, and most of all, the glory of Christ is paramount in all that we do.
Q: In the information provided for Distance Learning Courses it states that courses are to be completed within three (3) months, but it also speaks of a “fair pace”. There has also been information regarding extensions on courses. What is the time limit for courses to be completed?
A: CTS asks that all courses be completed within three (3) months (from receiving the course). We feel that this is an adequate amount of time for any of our courses to be completed. We also understand that things happen and people need extensions. In the event that a student needs additional time:
Contact Craig Thomas or Ashleigh Trivette at our Home Office regarding an extension
Students can receive an additional three (3) month extension without any penalty to their grade.
In the event that a student requires more than six (6) months, further time extensions will affect your grade.
If you have questions about course requirements, extensions, or anything else, contact us.
Questions? Comments?