Thursday - Registration for the Spring 2020 Semester will begin on January 2nd, 2020.
Thursday - Registration will begin on January 2nd, 2020 for the Spring 2020 Semester.
Monday - Classes will begin for the Spring 2020 Semester.
Friday - Last day to register for the Spring 2020 Semester.
Monday - School closed for President’s Day.
Friday - This is the last day that a student can drop or add a class for this semester.
Friday - Offices will be closed for Good Friday.
ThursdayClasses end for the Spring 2020 Semester.
During the months of June and July we will close at 12:30PM on Fridays only.
ThursdayOffices closed for Independence Day
Friday - Covington Theological Seminary Graduation 2020
Monday - Registration will begin for the Fall 2020 Semester.